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Diving Preparations

Posted: September 12th, 2008 | Author: admin | Filed under: Basic Scubadiving Skills, Scubadiving Skills | Tags: , | Comments Off

That part of our site is designed to help you during your preparations before diving trips.

Before Leaving Home !!!

  • Check the weather
  • Prepare all diving equipment
  • Minimize the usage of caffein and alcohol
  • Do not eat too much
  • Make your diving plans with your group
  • Maintain all emergency numbers and necessary information about the site that you are planning to dive.

Diving Equipment

  • Regulator
  • Air Tank
  • Mask
  • Snorkel
  • BCD
  • Fins
  • Compass
  • Watch
  • Torch
  • Diving Tables
  • Knife
  • Diving Suits
  • Gloves
  • First Aid Kit
  • Weights
  • Diving Computer

Supplemantary Equipment

  • Diving Certificate
  • Local Permission
  • Diving Logbook
  • Towels
  • Sun tan lotion
  • Batteries
  • Small Equipment bag